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Special Education
By providing positive learning experiences that facilitate success for students in special education through high-quality instruction, as well as collaboration with parents, students, schools, and the community, students will focus on their positive attributes and recognize their individual strengths and achievements to promote their future success.
We Believe
That every individual will receive the services necessary to meet his/her individual needs, which will allow him/her to succeed in school, graduate, and become contributing members of the community
Learning is an on-going process which is life-long, and teaching provides direction, not a destination
All students should feel safe and encouraged to do their best at all times
That student has the ability to learn and improve daily in their academics, personal life, and social well being
Mission Statement
Director's Welcome
It is my pleasure to welcome you to the Special Education Department web page of Holbrook Unified School District #3. There is perhaps no other department that embodies the spirit of HUSD than that of Special Education. We truly believe that HUSD represents our mission of Helping Unique Students Develop.
It takes parents, students, and staff working together to help our students achieve their greatest goals. We are committed to investing our energy and best efforts in this process. We have highly qualified staff working in each of our five schools who are absolutely dedicated to the success of our students. The services they provide specifically target the academic, emotional, social, and physical needs of our diverse student body.
It is our department’s goal to serve all learners in the least restrictive environment (LRE). This will allow for all students to benefit from the solid academic instruction offered by our teachers as well as strengthening ties between fellow students in our schools. The individual needs of each student direct us as members of their team to determine what placement and services will best support their learning.
We invite you to visit our schools often and experience the positive atmosphere we provide to maximize student development. As a parent, you are part of the team that makes HUSD such a wonderful place for our students to learn. We appreciate the important role you play. Welcome to our team!

Dr. Jeff Meeks
Special Education Director