Holbrook Unified School District #3

Family Involvement Partnership

The Holbrook Family Involvement Partnership--schools, families, and the community--recognizes that a child’s education is a responsibility shared by all.  To ensure that all students are effectively educated, the schools and parents must work as knowledgeable partners.

Our community’s diversity is a strength we can build on to establish programs and practices that enhance family involvement and reflect the specific needs of students and their families.  These will be comprehensive and coordinated in nature, with annual evaluation of effectiveness and changing needs.

Family involvement can be defined in many different ways from attending parent conferences and school performances to more foundational needs such as

  • ensuring that children are at school every day and on time

  • making education a priority

  • setting a routine and providing a space for completion of homework assignments

  • maintaining communication with school and teachers

  • reading to or with children every day

Schools can promote effective family involvement by:

  • providing avenues for regular, two-way and meaningful communication

  • promoting and supporting responsible parenting

  • encourage families to play an integral role in assisting student learning

  • welcoming families in the school

  • providing opportunities for families to participate in educational decisions

  • seeking community resources to strengthen school programs, family practices and student learning

Working together, schools, homes, and the community can best support children’s educational needs by:

  • ensuring basic physical, social, and health needs are met

  • setting goals and expectations

  • being available for children

  • expressing positive attitudes

Addressing Barriers to Family Involvement

Holbrook’s Family Involvement Partnership recognizes the barriers to meaningful family involvement and has a commitment to address those barriers tin order to best meet the needs of families and students.  Among the primary barriers identified are the following:

  • distance and transportation

  • Broadband and internet access for educational purposes

  • time and competing priorities

  • socio-economic status and job commitments

  • intimidation factors (i.e. lack of education, poor literacy skills, personal insecurities, or adverse educational experiences

  • health issues or lack of child care

We also acknowledge that schools must work to break down barriers such as:

  • inadequate communication

  • lack of a welcoming atmosphere (including an open and welcome environment within the school, a warm reception by all staff, and accessibility to buildings)

  • lack of planning or resources to provide transportation and child care, as well as holding meetings and activities at times conducive to the greatest participation

  • addressing language needs through interpreters and written translations

Goals for the Future

1) Holbrook’s Family Involvement Partnership will provide support for effective family involvement programs and practices through professional development opportunities to enhance understanding and implementation of effective family involvement strategies and methods for addressing barriers to involvement.

2) Once adopted, pertinent components of the Family Involvement Partnership policy and goals will be included in each school’s Student Handbook.  In addition, family involvement activities and services will be promoted through the local media, brochures, and the HUSD #3 website.

3) Holbrook’s Family Involvement Partnership will assist schools with the implementation of the six standards for meaningful family involvement:

  1. Communicating

  2. Parenting 

  3. Student Learning

  4. Volunteering

  5. School Decision-making and Advocacy

  6. Collaborating with the Community

These standards, developed by the National Parent Teacher Organization, were designed to help school and parent leaders develop dynamic parent involvement programs that are meaningful, well planned and long-lasting.  The attached addendum, “National Standards for Parent/Family Involvement Programs,” provides detailed information and quality indicators.

Top Ten Techniques for Elementary School Parents:

  1. Review your student’s school handbook

  2. Attend family engagement nights

  3. Attend individual conferences

  4. Serve on the school site council

  5. Attend special events such as music concerts, field days, classroom events

  6. Volunteer in your child’s classroom

  7. Utilize the Infinite Campus Parent Portal to track your child’s progress

  8. Utilize the HUSD #3 app for school-wide communications and updates

  9. Look for and/or ask for progress reports from your child’s teacher

  10. Request a conference with your child’s teacher at any time

  11. Attend “Meet Your Teacher” at the beginning of the year

Top Ten Techniques for Junior High School Parents:

  1. Review your student’s school handbook

  2. Attend family math and technology nights

  3. Attend both parent-teacher conference events (fall and spring)

  4. Attend special events such as music concerts, sporting events, classroom events

  5. Volunteer in your child’s classroom

  6. Search Infinite Campus Parent Portal  to access your child’s academic progress

  7. Look for and/or ask for progress reports from your child’s teacher

  8. Request a conference with your teacher at any time

  9. Utilize the HUSD #3 app for school-wide communications and updates

  10. Attend “Meet Your Teacher” at the beginning of the year

  11. Serve on the school site council

Top Ten Techniques for High School Parents:

  1. Review your student’s school handbook

  2. Attend Back to School Night to meet your child's teachers

  3. Attend both parent-teacher conference events (fall and spring)

  4. Attend special events such as music concerts, sporting events, school events

  5. Search Infinite Campus Parent Portal to access your child’s academic progress

  6. Look for and/or ask for progress reports from your child’s teacher

  7. Request a conference with your teacher at any time

  8. Utilize the HUSD #3 app for school-wide communications and updates

  9. Work with your child’s teacher to support your child in their college and career aspirations

  10. Attend FASFA (student financial assistance) nights

  11. Serve on the school site council

Parental involvement activities throughout the year: See the school calendar at www.holbrook.k12.az.us for more details.


District Parent/Homeless Liaison/Tribal Liaison

Mrs. Heather Manygoats

PO Box 640, Holbrook, AZ 86025


(928) 654-3622

Holbrook Unified School District

Dr. Robbie Koerperich- Superintendent

PO Box 640, Holbrook, AZ 86025


(928) 524-6144 

Indian Wells Elementary School

Ms. Andrea- Principal

PO Box 640, Holbrook, AZ 86025


(928) 654-3622

Park Elementary School

Mrs. Nichole Tow- Principal


PO Box 640, Holbrook, AZ 86025

(928) 524-6138

Hulet Elementary School

Mrs. Nichole Tow- Principal


PO Box 640, Holbrook, AZ 86025

(928) 524-6181

Holbrook Junior High School

Ms. Cheri Grau- Principal


PO Box 640, Holbrook, AZ 86025

(928) 524-3959

Holbrook High School

Mr. Clete Hargrave Principal


PO Box 640, Holbrook, AZ 86025

(928) 524-2815