HJHS Choir students will be participating in the District Choir Festival tomorrow, Wednesday, October 6th @ 6:00pm. Please join us at the GGPAC for this musical fun!
about 3 years ago, HJHS
~HJHS~ The TikTok trend is still causing havoc in schools across the nation. With a new month upon us we are faced with the new TikTok challenge for October .."Slap a teacher/staff member on the backside". Slapping a teacher/staff member on the backside can be considered assault and will be taken seriously. If a student is caught participating in this current trend there will be disciplinary actions such as suspension, expulsion, and/or law enforcement involvement. This is a serious matter and teachers/staff members could press charges against any student that may engage in such behavior. It is our hope that you will discuss this trend with your child(ren) and reinforce appropriate school behaviors at home. Your continuous support is greatly appreciated as HJHS strives to be a safe place for your child(ren) academically, socially and emotionally.
about 3 years ago, HJHS
HJHS no 8th grade football practice today (9/30). 8th grade players will go home after school.
about 3 years ago, HJHS
HJHS. 8th grade softball game has been cancelled for today (9/30) due to weather. There will be practice.
about 3 years ago, HJHS
6th/7th Home Softball Game for today (9/28) is cancelled due to the wet and muddy field conditions. There will be practice.
about 3 years ago, HJHS
Holbrook Junior High School! Reminder: This week 9/20-9/24) is HHS homecoming and Spirit Week! Let's see that School Spirit, HJHS...Kicking it off with Pixar or Sports Day on Monday.
about 3 years ago, HJHS
spirit week
~HJHS~ The challenges of social media are real and we want you to know HJHS will be attentive regarding the new TikTok trend that is causing damage to schools across this country, including in our own school district. The TikTok challenge is encouraging students to destroy and steal school property and post about it on social media platforms. Damaging and stealing school property is a felony. If a student is caught destroying, defacing, and/or stealing school property there will be disciplinary actions such as suspension, expulsion, and/or law enforcement involvement. The home-to-school connection is invaluable regarding these matters. It is our hope that you will discuss this trend with your child(ren) and reinforce appropriate school behaviors at home. Your continuous support is greatly appreciated as HJHS strives to be a safe place for your child(ren) academically, socially and emotionally. ​
about 3 years ago, HJHS
Holbrook Junior High School! Just a reminder that tomorrow, Monday, September 13th is picture day at HJHS.
about 3 years ago, HJHS
Holbrook Junior High School! At HJHS it is our goal to provide the very best educational experiences we can for your child. Parents...Your Voice Matters! We want to hear from you. Please take a few minutes to complete our Fall Parent-Teacher Conference survey. You can complete the survey using the following link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1QVrqVQS0wAEgWeqrPPJXVMDnMiO9QPTwMc0fF2af9c8 Thank for meeting with your child's Success Coach and for providing school feedback. Cheri Grau-HJHS Principal
about 3 years ago, HJHS
Holbrook Junior High School... Parent-Teacher Conferences are this Thursday, Sept. 9th. If you have not scheduled your conference time with your child's Success Coach you can call the office at 928-524-3959 and Jamie will help get you scheduled. Students will have a half day of school on conference day. Release time is 12:00pm.
about 3 years ago, HJHS
Holbrook Junior High School! HJHS Parent-Teacher Conferences will be Thursday, September 9th. Your child's Success Coach is scheduling your conference time and format. You may also contact the school office at 928-524-3959 if you still need to set up your conference time. HJHS will be sharing this years "Instructional Time Model" proposal during PT conferences at 2pm and 5pm in the school library. Students will have Early Release the day of conferences--Release Time 12:00pm.
about 3 years ago, HJHS
PT Conferences
HJHS Students Rock! At HJHS we are working to build a strong music program. Check this out...our very own Joey Meeks is not only trying to recruit students to join the band he's even entertaining us during lunch! Way to Go Joey...Thanks for showing us what it means to be a Roadrunner!
about 3 years ago, HJHS
Holbrook Junior High School! HJHS... Parent Teacher Conferences will be Thursday, September 9th. Students will have early release on conference day. Your child's Success Coach will reach out to schedule a conference time. Conference options will be virtual through Google Meets or Zoom, by phone or in person. Whatever works best for you. We will also hold a public meeting to discuss and get input regarding Instructional Time Models at 2pm and 5pm on conference day. Additional information about this will be sent out no later than early next week. Thanks for being HJHS Roadrunners!!
about 3 years ago, HJHS
Holbrook Junior High School A Look Ahead... HJHS MAP testing make ups will be this week. Students nedding to finish MAP testing will need to bring their Chromebook to school-fully charged and ready to go! No school on Friday, September 3rd and Monday, September 6th in observance of Labor Day. Parent-Teacher Conferences will be September 9th. Students will be released at 12:00pm on this day. School Picture Day, September 13th. More information will be sent home. Please keep your child home if they exhibit any signs of sickness. Thank you for helping us do our best in maintaining a safe and healthy school environment. Thank you for being HJHS Roadrunners!
about 3 years ago, HJHS
Holbrook Junior High School! HJHS students will continue with MAP testing tomorrow, Friday, August 27th. Students need to bring their Chromebook to school-fully charged and ready to go. Reminder: It's Early Release Friday. Students are released at 12:00pm. Thank you.
about 3 years ago, HJHS
Holbrook Junior High School!! HJHS students will be MAP testing tomorrow, August 26th. Students will need to bring their Chromebook to school-- fully charged, be on time and be ready to give their best. Thank you.
about 3 years ago, HJHS
HJHS Softball first game of the season. 8th graders down against Winslow in the 3rd inning but lots of game left to play. Let's Go Holbrook!!
about 3 years ago, HJHS
HJHS FOOTBALL! First game of the season and 8th graders are up against Winslow 16-0 at halftime! Way to Go Roadrunners!!
about 3 years ago, HJHS
Vaccine clinic at HHS Munoz gym lobby begins at 9 am. You may park in the parking lot by the George Gardner Performing Arts Center! Walk ins welcome! Here’s to a Healthy Holbrook!
about 3 years ago, Dr. Koerperich
Holbrook Junior High School COVID-19 Vaccination Clinic Coming to Holbrook High School. If your child is 12 years of age or older and you want them to receive the COVID-19 vaccine then our clinic will be available for you. The COVID-19 vaccination clinic will be held in the Holbrook High School Gymnasium from 9:00am to 1:00pm on Wednesday, August 18th (dose 1) and Wednesday, September 8th (dose 2). Consent forms must be completed before the vaccine is given. You can pick the form up in the front office or call the school (928-524-3959) and we will send one home with your child. The day of the vaccine walk-ins are welcome...no appointment needed. Masks will be required at the vaccination clinic. Parents are welcome to accompany their child or we will make arrangements to get them to the clinic on the day of vaccination (again consent forms are required).
about 3 years ago, HJHS