Arizona State Testing: HJHS Spring 2025 Schedule
AZSCI: 8th Grade Only
Tuesday, March 25th
Wednesday, March 26th
Make-Up Day March 27th
AASA Writing: 6th-8th Grades
Wednesday, April 2nd
Make-Up’s April 3rd, 7th, 8th (Must be Completed by April 11th)
AASA ELA/Math: 6th-8th Grades
ELA/Math Unit 1 Test
Tuesday, April 15th
ELA/Math Unit 2 Test
Wednesday, April 16th
Make-Up’s April 17th, 21st-24th (Must be Completed by April 25th)
*State Testing is an Arizona Department of Education requirement for all students. It is important that students are in school and on-time on testing days. If you know your child will be absent please notify the school as soon as possible so make up testing can be arranged/scheduled.*
Parents/Families: Your voice matters in the home-to-school partnership so we would love to hear from you. Please use the following link to access the parent survey: CLICK HERE

2024-2025 Handbook Policy and Practice Updates

The HJHS Handbook has been updated to include and reflect updated practices/policies for the 2024-2025 SY:
Technological Devices as part of the student use policy to reflect designated versus undesignated times (on campus):
Designated: Before School, Lunch, After School
Undesignated: Class Time, Passing Periods, Tutoring (before, after, during lunch) and
Athletic/Club Games/Practices.
Cell Phones, Bluetooth Earbuds, Music Devices, and/or any Electronic Communication Devices must be stored in the cell phone holder located in each classroom or in the student's backpack. Students are permitted to use their electronic device during designated times ONLY; before and after school and during lunch.
Cell Phones, Bluetooth Earbuds, Music Devices, and/or any Electronic Communication Devices: Inappropriate use of such devices during undesignated times will result in the device being confiscated and turned into the office; including devices not put away in the classroom holder or student backpacks. The student may pick up their confiscated device at the end of the school day in the principal or student services office. Devices may be used during designated times only while on campus.
DoorDash will NO LONGER be permitted for delivery at HJHS. Parents/guardians only may drop off lunch or outside food for individual students.

Holbrook USD 3 uses a cell phone app to stay up-to-date with access to events, documents, news from administrators, student stories, specific school information and even emergency notifications.
Download the app now to ensure you aren't missing any school district/school level announcements/updates.
You can download the app for free on both Google Play or the Apple App Store:
Android: Click Here
iPhone: Click Here
Need More Information: Click Here