AVID (Advancement Via Individual Determination) is a school-wide approach that changes student's lives by making the shift to a more equitable, student-centered approach. The power of AVID is the ability to impact students in the AVID Elective class and all students throughout the campus. AVID can have an effect on the entire school by providing classroom activities, teaching practices, and academic behaviors that can be incorporated into any classroom to improve engagement and success for all students. Through AVID we work to close the opportunity gap, so we can prepare all students for college, careers, and life.
Interested in being a student in the AVID Elective course? Complete the following application: Click Here
HJHS SY Over-Arching AVID Goal
All HJHS students will learn and implement skills to process and engage with their focused-notes in order to deepen their content comprehension; phase II of the note taking process.
Domain: Instruction
Subdomain: WICOR
Indicator: 3-Focused Note Taking
Specific: HJHS students will engage in Phase II-Processing of their focused notes.
Methodical: HJHS students will evaluate and revise their focused-notes as part of the processing phase.
Consistent: Students will be required to “Think About their Focused-Notes” in order to process their learning. Students will be expected to provide evidence of their “Thinking About their Focused-Notes” as part of Phase II in the Focus-Note Taking Process. Teachers will intentionally plan for student processing of focused notes as an instructional expectation. Teachers will explicitly teach/model (what/how) skills for processing of focused notes.
HJHS is an AVID Certified School