AZSCI: 8th Grade Only
Tuesday, March 25th
Wednesday, March 26th
Make-Up Day March 27th
AASA Writing: 6th-8th Grades
Wednesday, April 2nd
Make-Up’s April 3rd, 7th, 8th (Must be Completed by April 11th)
AASA ELA/Math: 6th-8th Grades
ELA/Math Unit 1 Test
Tuesday, April 15th
ELA/Math Unit 2 Test
Wednesday, April 16th
Make-Up’s April 17th, 21st-24th (Must be Completed by April 25th)
State Testing is an Arizona Department of Education requirement for all students. It is important that students are in school and on-time on testing days. If you know your child will be absent please notify the school as soon as possible so make up testing can be arranged/scheduled.