Monday, October 31st Park School will hold its annual Halloween Costume Parade at 1:30. Families are invited to park their cars in the swimming pool parking lot and the Hunt Park parking lot (by the volleyball court and between the softball field and dog park) to enjoy the parade.
Students will come to school dressed in their Halloween costumes; however, NO masks, face paint or weapons allowed. Students will walk from the school around the softball field and back to the school again to show off their costumes. After the parade students will enjoy their class party! See attached flier!
Please join us during Red Ribbon Week in "Celebrating life and living drug free" by dressing up October 24-28 at Park and Hulet Elementary. See attached flier for dress up days.
Were you able to attend Park's first Academic Parent Teacher Team Parent Night's Out? If not, we really missed you! Here are a few comments from parents about the biggest take away from tonight's meeting:
Katy Brown mentioned how she loved that her child is getting exposure to real world inferences through the academics learned at APTT. In regards to math, learning how to group tens then add ones is just amazing.
Becky Slade shared that she loved playing different games that helped students count numbers all the way to 120 and that was great to learn.
PJ Gabaldon said that she "enjoyed learning the specific skills that transfer to home. I will recognize the games and skills and make deeper connections. APTT is great for parents who want to help their kids grow academically and even socially."
McKayla Korkosz said, "It's cool to see how teachers teach and how students learn. Parents are challenged to help their children move further and gain deeper understanding."
We hope to see you at our next Night Out on January 19th!
Flagstaff Dentistry 4 Kids
Dental Services Day
Students in grades Kindergarten to 6th Grade
October 15, 2022
294 West Carlos
Holbrook, AZ 86025
8 am - 2 pm
x rays, dental cleaning, fluoride, sealant applications
Insurance is not required but is accepted
Did you miss yesterdays RoostEd talk on APTT? Check out the YouTube recording and hear from Mr. Hollins, Mrs. Begay, and Mrs. Moyte.
Please join Park Staff and Families for our first Academic Parent Teacher Teams parent night out on Wednesday, October 5th. See attached flier for more details.
Lights, Camera, HOMECOMING!
See the flier for the dress up days that accompany Homecoming 10/3-7.
Holbrook Clean Up Day!
Saturday, September 10th
Sponsored by the Holbrook Chamber of Commerce!
Park PT conferences are today, September 6th
Hulet PT conferences at tomorrow, September 7th
Park, Hulet, HJHS and HHS will host conferences on Thursday (1 pm - 4:30 pm and HHS and HJHS from 5:30 - 7:30 pm).
IWES will have conferences in October.
Friday, September 16th there will be no school. This was a day built into the HUSD #3 calendar this year!
Have a great week Roadrunners!
Just a reminder of our Park Parent/Teacher Conferences 9/6 from 4-7 pm and 9/8 from 1-4 pm.
During conferences, you have the opportunity to check out your Chromebook if you signed up during registration as well as visit our Book Fair.
Please also remember to fill out our survey, which provides valuable data to our school!
Thank you Arizona Department of Education for sponsoring Donor’s Choose for teachers throughout Arizona!
A HUSD 3 teacher received Wobble Cushions for student seating!!!
Thanks for Helping our Unique Students Develop!
Please visit the Park School Book Fair before or after your child's scheduled parent teacher conference. See the flier for times the Book Fair is open. Thank you in advance for your support.
Individual Parent Teacher Conferences coming in September. See the attached flier for dates and times. Please watch for notes from your child's teacher to schedule a conference time.
Save the Date! Book Fair is Coming to Park Elementary! See attached picture for dates. Times to be announced.
Mark your calendars! Park Picture day is August 23rd.
Park Elementary School is experiencing a temporary phone outage. If you need to contact the office, please e-mail the secretary, Mrs. Espitia at or the attendance clerk, Mrs. Salazar at
This evening, your students may come home and tell you that we practiced a Lockdown drill. We adopt the Standard Response Protocol at Park Elementary and we regularly train and practice for school emergency situations.
For new students, and some returning, this can cause anxiety. Here are a couple of ways to help them through this: 1) Practice makes perfect, 2) We always announce if it's a DRILL, and 3) offer reassurance that being behind a locked door is a proven deterrent in school situations.
Thanks for supporting us as we keep our students safe.
At Park, we believe that all students can learn how to be respectful, responsible, safe and kind. We also believe that all students should be acknowledged when they are caught being responsible, respectful, safe and kind. Last week our students went around the school to learn what it means to follow the school rules in the different locations of the school and on the bus.
We are excited for the first day of school! As a reminder, you will pick up and drop off in the front of the school, please see the map image on our Facebook, website, or App.
Please enter the school from North 7th street. Stay in your vehicle and pull all the way up. There will be an adult at 7:40 to let your child out of the car.
At dismissal, you may line up outside of the school, stay in your car, and hold the name sign you received. The staff will call the student to the car and open the door. Students will only be released to vehicles in the pickup line, not walk up parents. Please turn right out of the school towards the railroad.
As we learn the cars and the students, please be patient as we may take more time then normal. Our typical dismissal lasts 15 minutes from start to finish.
The first day of school is tomorrow! Our transportation department may be running several minutes late as they get used to the new routes.
The tardy bell rings at 8:10 am!
Can't wait to see your smiling faces!