Our first Academic Parent Teacher Team (APTT) Night is just 1 week away! We are excited to spend 75 minutes with you, get to provide you with where your child is performing, provide an activity that you can use at home to help your child and make goals for your child's success! Door prizes will be available! #WeAreRoadunners #RoadrunnerSpirit #APTTNight #WestEd #education #schoolspirit #bestschoolever #lovemyschool
over 3 years ago, Kevin Fosburgh
APTT Flyer 1 week away
Just a friendly reminder that tomorrow is early release! We will see you at 11:30!
over 3 years ago, Kevin Fosburgh
early release image
Park Families! Just a reminder, tomorrow is picture day! Bring your smiling faces!
over 3 years ago, Kevin Fosburgh
Picture Day image
SAVE THE DATE! Our first Academic Parent Teacher Team (APTT) Night is just 2 weeks away! We are excited to spend 75 minutes with you, get to provide you with where your child is performing, provide an activity that you can use at home to help your child and make goals for your child's success! Door prizes will be available! #WeAreRoadunners #RoadrunnerSpirit #APTTNight #WestEd #education #schoolspirit #bestschoolever #lovemyschool
over 3 years ago, Kevin Fosburgh
APTT Flyer 2 weeks away
Calling all smiling faces! Park picture day is coming August 26th!
over 3 years ago, Kevin Fosburgh
“We need technology in every classroom and in every student and teacher’s hand, because it is the pen and paper of our time, and it is the lens through which we experience much of our world.” – David Warlick Through ESSER funding, our kindergarten and first grade students got brand new technology at Park School which supports their learning in the classroom. Students will continue to attend the computer lab once a week, they will also utilize technology in the classroom, particularly through station/independent learning times! #WeAreRoardunners #RoadrunnerSpirit #edtech #edapp #schooltech #tedtalks #educationpodcast #21stcentury #wired #mlearning #Elearning #curriculum #blendedlearning #edtechchat
over 3 years ago, Kevin Fosburgh
Student on Starfall
We are beyond excited for the first day of school! The doors will open at 7:45am. School begins at 8:10 am and it dismisses at 3:05. If dropping off your student, please drop off at the front of the school. We ask that you stay in your vehicle, Mrs. Tow and others will open the door for your child, and our paraprofessionals will direct them to the cafeteria for breakfast or the playground for morning recess. Follow the traffic pattern in the attached map! At pick up, again, stay in your vehicle, we will call students to your car and load them up. While waiting, please pull up close to the vehicle in front of you and as far to the right as possible so the busses may pass. When exiting the parking lot, please turn right onto 7th Street towards the railroad tracks. As a reminder, as we learn the class of 2034 and their families, dismissal may take longer than normal. We appreciate your patience as we work to ensure your child's safety. Welcome back Little Beepers! #WeAreRoadrunners #RoadrunnerSpirit
over 3 years ago, Kevin Fosburgh
Park Dismissal Map
Back to School Graphic
Remember to come Meet Your Teacher tomorrow from 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm at Park Elementary School! We can't wait to meet you!
over 3 years ago, Kevin Fosburgh
Back to School Graphic
Class lists are posted outside the school! You may also locate placement on Infinite Campus. If your name is missing, please reach out to the school secretary. We are excited to welcome back our students! Meet the teacher is August 3 from 4-6pm!
over 3 years ago, Kevin Fosburgh
who is your teacher?
With ESSER II funds, Park adopted a family engagement program called Academic Parent Teacher Teams. The “Family Nights Out” will allow teachers and families to come together to help support student learning. Today we have teachers on campus learning how to facilitate these meetings. Overwhelmingly the staff is excited to work collaboratively with families! Thank you to WestEd for supporting this initiative. #WeareRoadrunners #RoadrunnerSpirit
over 3 years ago, Kevin Fosburgh
team building activity
team building acticity
Back to school update: HUSD #3 is developing our school as Healthy Buildings for SY 21-22. All schools will have touchless systems in place to reduce touch points to keep all Roadrunners healthy! Here's to a healthy Holbrook!
over 3 years ago, Dr. Koerperich
Paper Towels
As a reminder- Mrs. Espitia is in the office from 5pm until 7pm to assist with any registration of kindergarten and first grade students. Please come by or call the school at 928-524-6138!
over 3 years ago, Kevin Fosburgh
HUSD#3 Phone lines are currently down. We are in the office working diligently on registration, so please e-mail Mrs. Tara Espitia at tespitia@holbrook.k12.az.us with any questions or concerns. We will update once the lines are back up and running!
over 3 years ago, Kevin Fosburgh
Mrs. Tara is anxiously awaiting online registrations for returning students. Please be sure to log onto your Infinite Campus parent portal. If you are having any difficulty, please contact Park School at 928-524-6138 Monday-Thursday from 8am to 4pm.
over 3 years ago, Kevin Fosburgh
Tara completing online registration
Registration begins today for returning students only. Please use your existing Infinite Campus Parent Portal by going to Quick Links at the HUSD#3 Homepage or your Infinite Campus app. From the Parent Portal, scroll to the bottom of the page, click on MORE, and then click ONLINE REGISTRATION. You will need current proof of residency to proceed with registration. Our offices are closed today in observance of Independence Day; however, our secretaries will be available Tuesday-Thursday from 8 am - 4 pm. Please call the school if you are having a difficult time accessing your parent portal. #WeAreRoadrunners #RoadrunnerSpirit #Gladtobehere
over 3 years ago, Kevin Fosburgh
Registration Now Open Clip Art
Screenshot of accessing registration link
Registration begins today. Please use your existing Infinite Campus Parent Portal by going to Quick Links at the HUSD#3 Homepage or your Infinite Campus app. From the Parent Portal, scroll to the bottom of the page, click on MORE, and then click ONLINE REGISTRATION. You will need current proof of residency to proceed with registration. Our offices are closed today in observance of Independence Day; however, our secretaries will be available Tuesday-Thursday from 8 am - 4 pm. Please call the school if you are having a difficult time accessing your parent portal. #WeAreRoadrunners #RoadrunnerSpirit #Gladtobehere
over 3 years ago, Kevin Fosburgh
Registration Now Open Clip Art
Directions for Infinite Campus registation
UPDATE: The Red Cross and evacuees left today! Thanks to everyone for their concern and assistance!
over 3 years ago, Dr. Koerperich
Red Cross
Park Elementary is using ESSER funds to bridge learning gaps created by the pandemic. At Hulet, K-1 students are receiving age appropriate, intense reading and math interventions to help close those gaps.
over 3 years ago, Kevin Fosburgh
students working on Fundations
students counting and dancing to 100
students in small ELA group with Miss Pat
Park Summer School begins tomorrow AT Hulet Elementary! If your child was invited, the morning session begins at 8:30, drop off at Hulet at 8:20 and pick up at 11:30. Afternoon sessions begin at 12:30, drop off at Hulet at 12:20 and pick up at 3:30. Our Summer School is currently maxed. If you haven’t heard from Mrs. Tow about attending, you’ve been put in a wait list.
over 3 years ago, Kevin Fosburgh
Seniors and 8th Graders! Get your promotion and graduation pics at: https://myproimages.com/ www.spanglerpics.com/code/CMNLY
over 3 years ago, Dr. Koerperich
Spangler pics