Indian Wells Elementary School will be on a two hour delay on Thursday, February 24th due to snow and ice on roads and on the IWES campus. School will begin at 10 am. Thank you for your patience and teamwork to keep our students and staff safe this week! We look forward to educating your children at school tomorrow!
over 2 years ago, Dr. Koerperich
When One Roadrunner Succeeds, We All Succeed! Congrats to JJ Ramirez: STATE RUNNER UP! Great job JJ, Coach Serna and the Roadrunner wrestling team!
over 2 years ago, Dr. Koerperich
Holbrook Boys Heading to FINAL 4!!! GO ROADRUNNERS!!!
over 2 years ago, Dr. Koerperich
final 4
Spring Picture Day is Wednesday March 2nd.
over 2 years ago, Andrea Tomlin
Picture Day-March 2nd
STATE CHAMP! Manny Guerrero is the Elks Hoop Shoot State Champion in the 12-13 year old boys division! Manny will be representing Arizona on February 26th in Las Vegas! Many is a 6th grader at IWES! Congrats Manny! When One Roadrunner Succeeds, We All Succeed!
over 2 years ago, Dr. Koerperich
STATE CHAMPS! Callie Orton (8-9 year old) & Payton Orton (12-13 year old) are Elks Hoop Shoot State Champions! Both girls will represent Arizona at the western region hoop shoot contest in Las Vegas on February 26th! Callie attends IWES and Payton attends HJHS! They are the daughters of HUSD teachers Dan and Roni Orton! Good luck girls! When One Roadrunner Succeeds, We All Succeed!
over 2 years ago, Dr. Koerperich
state champs
It is tax time! HUSD patrons may reduce their tax bill through a tax credit donation to the school club of their choice! Tax credits are used for student programs that go directly to the club of your choice! Tax credits are collected prior to filing through April for this year’s tax season. Learn more about ways to Help our Unique Students Develop! Thank you Roadrunners!
over 2 years ago, Dr. Koerperich
tax credits
Greetings Fellow Roadrunners, Tonight's basketball game vs the Winslow Bulldogs will be limited capacity. Only parents, staff with passes, and AIA passes will be allowed admittance due to community spread of COVID in Holbrook and Winslow areas. There will be no tickets sold at the door. We appreciate your understanding. Fans may watch the game via YouTube at: Stay healthy & GO ROADRUNNERS!
over 2 years ago, Dr. Koerperich
Greetings Parents and Guardians, It is my hope that everyone is healthy and doing well! I am messaging you this evening to inform you that Indian Wells Elementary will be implementing a temporary instructional learning model as a learning option due to the uptick in COVID cases in our region. I want to reinforce that COVID cases directly associated with Indian Wells Elementary are at very low ratios; however, we are aware that cases have increased substantially in our region; therefore, we want to offer an option for our students to continue to come to school each day or the option for students to spend eight (8) days learning at home via a temporary instructional learning model. The following information is to inform parents of Indian Wells Elementary about the temporary instructional model in which parents will have the choice for their students to remain at home for at-home instruction for a two-week period. The temporary instructional model details include: This instructional time learning model is temporary- The temporary instruction model will run from January 24th ----> February 3rd. All parents who choose to keep their students home for this eight-day learning period will be required to sign a parent attendance attestation form each day to document their children are completing school-designated activities at home. Each parent choosing to participate in the eight-day temporary instructional time model will be required to inform the school of the parent’s choice to keep their student at home for temporary instruction learning choice. February 3rd is a half-day of instruction and parent-teacher conferences will be held in person or virtually in coordination with each child’s teacher. All packet/Google Classroom work is DUE on February 3rd to ensure your child is not marked absent during the instructional time model period. 3rd grade through 4th grade will complete work via Google Classroom. PreK- 2nd grades will complete work via work packet. You must call the office no later than Monday, January 24th to inform us that you are opting your child/children into the temporary instructional learning model. (928) 654-3622 Reminder: If you do not sign an attendance attestation, your student will be marked absent for every day they are not in school and not completing work. Please come to the office at IWES to drop off the parent attestation form on Feb. 3rd with your student(s) work. On January 21st you can email your child’s teacher for an electronic version of the attendance form. Or, you can call the front office for an electronic form to be sent to you. The form must be completed and turned in with all student work on February 3rd. If you choose the 8-day temporary instruction learning choice it will begin on Monday, January 24th after you have notified the front office of your intent to participate in the temporary instructional time model. Work completed virtually through Google Classroom will be available on Monday, Jan. 24th. (3rd-6th grade) Work completed via packet will be available for pick up at the front office on Monday, Jan. 24th. (PREK-2nd grade). Virtual learning choice is for the entire 8-day learning period. If you choose to participate it will be throughout the entire 8 day period. Your child will not come to school on any of these school days. Please consider this before making a choice for your child. Any work not completed will result in an “A” absent in Infinite Campus. Please note that as per state law: any ten-day period of absence will result in students being dropped from attendance at IWES. All work is due on February 3rd, 2022. Work can be turned in during the parent-teacher conference on Feb. 3rd. On Feb. 3rd, the school will change students’ attendance for the temporary instructional time model to absent or present depending upon the work completed and turned in. Frequently Asked Questions Q: Will in-person learning continue? A: Yes, In-person, learning will continue if you choose to continue to send your child to school each day. All school routines, bus routes, etc. will continue as normal. If you choose this option, you will not be required to complete any requirements of the temporary instructional time model. Q: Will there be buses for in-person learning? A: Yes, buses will continue to run and pick up all in-person learning students. Q: Can I switch my student back to in-person learning after choosing the temporary instructional time model? A: No, if you sign your child up for the temporary instructional model, they will remain on that model until the eight-day learning period is over. Q: Will food and packets be delivered if we choose to opt into the temporary instructional time model? A: No, we will not deliver materials or food for the temporary instructional time model Q: Will there be a virtual parent-teacher conference option for families in quarantine? A: Yes Q: How will my child’s attendance be taken in the instructional time model? A: Your child will be marked present based on a signed attestation by the parent that your child worked and fulfilled the school work each day and your child turns in all completed assignments. Q: How long can my child participate in the temporary instructional time model? A: For eight consecutive days beginning January 24th through February 3rd. The temporary instructional time model will end on February 3rd unless extended by the school. Your child will be expected to return to school on Monday, February 7th for in-person learning.
over 2 years ago, Andrea Tomlin
A reminder that HUSD 3 will be closed in observance of the Martin Luther King national holiday on Monday, January 17, 2022. School will resume on Tuesday, January 18th.
over 2 years ago, Dr. Koerperich
Greetings Parents and Guardians, I am messaging you this evening to inform you that tomorrow Thursday, January 13, will be a virtual learning day at Indian Wells Elementary School. This is simply a precautionary measure due to a small uptick in illness at IWES over the last couple of days amongst students and staff. We have not identified any specific outbreaks; however, we feel we can utilize a virtual learning day on Thursday which will allow Thursday through Monday (no school Monday) to isolate from one another and regain our health prior to reuniting next Tuesday, January 18th. Students will be required to complete classwork on Thursday that teachers will assign and teachers will be calling home for attendance. Please note: assignments will be due on Tuesday, January 18th when we return to in-person schooling. This is a requirement of our approved Instructional time model. If the teacher cannot contact your student or your child does not return the assignment for Thursday, they will be marked absent for the day of January 13th. These short breaks may occur occasionally so we can maintain a safe, healthy, and educational environment at school. We appreciate your support and cooperation to Help our Unique Students Develop! Stay well, stay healthy and enjoy the three-day weekend! Reminder, no school on Monday! See everyone Tuesday! Yours in Education, Ms. Tomlin- Principal IWES
over 2 years ago, Andrea Tomlin
Greetings Parents and Guardians of Indian Wells Elementary, This is a reminder as we enter the second half of this school year. If you have taken your child to get tested for COVID-19 please wait for the COVID-19 test results to come back before sending your child back to school. You can call the school and let us know that you are waiting for test results. If there is someone in the household that tests positive for COVID-19 please help us to help reduce the risk of transmission and keep your child home. Please call the school to let us know. Please also keep your child home if they have any symptoms of COVID. We appreciate your help. Thank you , Ms. Tomlin
over 2 years ago, Andrea Tomlin
Indian Wells Elementary School in the Holbrook School District cares about providing a positive and safe learning environment for our students and community. The 2021 PBISaz amAzing Award recognizes schools for successful implementation and outcomes with school-wide systems of Positive Behavior Interventions during the Covid-19 Pandemic. This award recognizes the dedication of school staff and our community to uphold our school expectations every day by following the 4 B's: Be Respectful, Be Safe, Be Kind and Be Ready to Learn! Together we are building a school culture that is more positive, proactive, and supportive for all our students so that they can be successful citizens and leaders of our nation. Our PBISaz amAZing award will proudly be displayed in our school office and on our website. Indian Wells is committed to excellence and always Helping Unique Students Develop!
over 2 years ago, Andrea Tomlin
Greetings, Chromebook checkouts will be On Friday January 7th for Indian Wells Elementary School. Where: Indian Wells School Library. Time: 10 am to 12 pm. This device is for students who do not have a device at home as was identified by parents during registration this year. Parents must attend in order to pick up the Chromebook device.
over 2 years ago, Andrea Tomlin
Welcome to 2022! Hopefully, your Winter Break has been restful, relaxing, and healthy. We welcome back students on Monday, January 3rd! Keep in mind our second Parent-Teacher Conferences will be on February 3rd this school year! We look forward to having more families engaged with us helping our unique learners succeed! Thank you for all you do!
over 2 years ago, Andrea Tomlin
Happy New Year
IWE Christmas Concert- 2021 School Year (Part I) (Part II)
over 2 years ago, Andrea Tomlin
Greetings from Indian Wells Elementary, There will be no afterschool tutoring today or tomorrow, December 15, and 16. All students will return home on the regular bus route today December 15, and tomorrow December 16. Stay warm out there! Ms. Tomlin
over 2 years ago, Andrea Tomlin
Greetings Roadrunners! Interested in being a substitute teacher? HUSD 3 is actively seeking applications for emergency and regular certification substitutes to fill vacancies when teachers are ill or on professional leave. Requirements: - HS diploma, 30 college credits or bachelors degree - qualify for a valid fingerprint card HUSD will assist potential substitutes to become certified! Please reach out to: Come be a Roadrunner!
over 2 years ago, Dr. Koerperich
Dear Indian Wells Families, Our elementary schools in conjunction with HUSD#3 and the Arizona Department of Education have created an emergency Instructional Time Model Plan for the 2021-2022 school year. In the event of inclement weather and/or health and wellness intermittent campus closure we will be able to still provide schooling through online/virtual delivery. If the school is unable to provide on-campus operations students and teachers will work through Google Classroom. Teachers may also hold live sessions via Google Meets. Students will be expected to complete assignments posted in Google Classroom and/or attend live or recorded Google Meet sessions in order to receive attendance credit for the day of school campus closure. Teachers will post the lessons and live session information no later than 8:30 am the morning of any school campus closure. We understand that not every student has technology at home. We will make our best efforts to make notification of school closures with enough time for students to take their Chromebooks home. Furthermore, we will make an effort to make all material available offline in case students do not have internet access at home. If the internet is a concern and will not be available for your child in the event of campus closure please contact the school office at 928-654-3622 and we will try to work with you to accommodate your needs. It is our hope that we will not have to utilize this emergency situation Instructional Time Model plan during the 2021-2022 school year. However, having it in place ensures that our teachers will be able to continue to provide academic services if needed. Thank you for your continued support and valued partnership with the Holbrook Elementary Schools. Best Regards, Andrea Tomlin Andrea Tomlin Indian Wells, Principal
almost 3 years ago, Andrea Tomlin
Navajo Police Department shared stay Drug Free information, and stay Bully Free information for Red Ribbon Week.
almost 3 years ago, Andrea Tomlin
Red Ribbon Week