Homeless Assistance
Holbrook Unified School District's McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Assistance Program is a federally-funded program for families and children in the Holbrook Unified School District who are "in transition" in their housing location. The McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Assistance Act protects homeless children and youth by providing additional rights and educational support beyond that offered in the regular classroom setting. HUSD also coordinates activities for homeless children and youth that have been identified by school personnel with other entities and agencies.
The students who qualify for these services live in wide range situations from those who are in temporary housing: shelters, with extended family, campgrounds or motels. These situations also include those who live in long-term, but inadequate or substandard housing situations. Those who qualify for homeless assistance include multiple families living in crowded single-family dwellings, and families who live in substandard housing without access to running water or adequate heating. Those who can qualify for assistance include unaccompanied youth, not in the physical custody of a parent or guardian or living with noncustodial relatives or friends.
The HUSD McKinney Vento Homeless Assistance Act provides a variety of services, depending on need, including:
Assistance with Immediate School Enrollment
Free Lunch
Transportation to School
School Supplies
Toiletry Items
Referrals to Community Agencies that Assist with:
Health Services
Enrolling Homeless Students
HUSD ensures that homeless children and youths enroll in, and have a full and equal opportunity to succeed in our District. The law requires that homeless students be enrolled immediately. Schools cannot refuse to enroll a homeless student for lack of records (e.g., school records, transcript, IEP, MET, birth certificate, or immunization records) or proof of a home address. School personnel is to enroll and have students attend school while records are requested.
All educational services will be available for all of our students:
English acquisition Services/Ell (if eligible)
Head Start
Special Education (if eligible)
If there is a question about a student's living situation, school personnel are encouraged to contact HUSD's Homeless Education Liaison, Alfred Clark, at (928) 524-6144 x1009.
If you are seeking homeless assistance for the District or are determining the availability of assistance, by law, children and youth are considered homeless if they:
live in temporary housing such as shelters, vehicles, campgrounds, or motels;
live in long-term, but inadequate situations such as:
multiple families living in crowded single-family dwellings' due to economic hardship
families who live in substandard housing without access to running water or adequate heating,
children living with noncustodial relatives or friends.
If parents, guardians, or youth disagree with school decisions, they have a right to dispute that decision.
For more information about HUSD's McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Program, please contact:
Heather Manygoats
(928) 524-6144 x1009
The Dispute Resolution: If you disagree with school officials about enrollment, transportation, or fair treatment of a homeless child or youth, you may file a complaint with the school district.
The school district must respond and attempt to resolve it quickly. During the dispute, the Students must be immediately enrolled and the District Homeless Liaison, Alfred Clark, will assist you in making decisions, providing notice of any appeal process, and filling out dispute forms.
Alfred Clark (Email)
928-524-6144 x1009