Please support Rockin' Roadrunners at the District Choir Festival on Thursday, October 20th @ 6:00. See attached Flier!
We enjoyed hosting our first Academic Parent Teacher Team meeting last night! Thank you to all of the parents who were able to come out.
We surveyed parents when they walked out and asked, "What's your biggest takeaway from tonight?" and here is what some have said.
Cheryl said, "These kids are better at math than us. I learned good ways to help my daughter grow in math."
Kenneth said, "I enjoyed learning how to work the math and how to do it."
Jesus said, "The communication was phenomenal. I appreciate talking with others and the teacher."
Hailey said, "It was great to collaborate with others and to get strategies on how to help my daughter."
Our next meeting in in January. Save the date now!
Correction on times! Hulet upcoming APTT night is Thursday, October 6th
3rd & 5th grade 4:30-5:45
2nd & 4th 5:45-7:00
Hope to see you there!
Flagstaff Dentistry 4 Kids
Dental Services Day
Students in grades Kindergarten to 6th Grade
October 15, 2022
294 West Carlos
Holbrook, AZ 86025
8 am - 2 pm
x rays, dental cleaning, fluoride, sealant applications
Insurance is not required but is accepted
Did you miss yesterdays RoostEd talk on APTT? Check out the YouTube recording and hear from Mr. Hollins, Mrs. Begay, and Mrs. Moyte.
Please join Hulet Staff and Families for the first Academic Parent Teacher Team parent night out on Thursday, October 6th. See flier for more details.
Lights, Camera, HOMECOMING!
See the flier for the dress up days that accompany Homecoming 10/3-7.
National Arts in Education Week Spotlight: Our Hulet Elementary Rockin’ Roadrunners opened up the Navajo County Fair under the direction of Mrs. Hunsaker and Mrs. Self! With a choir of over 90 students, they put on a patriotic event!
Have a safe Fair Week! Good luck those who have entered projects and performing in the various Fair events! No school on 9/16.
Just a reminder of our Hulet Parent/Teacher Conferences 9/7 from 4-7 pm and 9/8 from 1-4 pm. During conferences, you have the opportunity to visit our Book Fair.
Please also remember to fill out our survey, which provides valuable data to our school!
Holbrook Clean Up Day!
Saturday, September 10th
Sponsored by the Holbrook Chamber of Commerce!
Park PT conferences are today, September 6th
Hulet PT conferences at tomorrow, September 7th
Park, Hulet, HJHS and HHS will host conferences on Thursday (1 pm - 4:30 pm and HHS and HJHS from 5:30 - 7:30 pm).
IWES will have conferences in October.
Friday, September 16th there will be no school. This was a day built into the HUSD #3 calendar this year!
Have a great week Roadrunners!
Thank you Arizona Department of Education for sponsoring Donor’s Choose for teachers throughout Arizona!
A HUSD 3 teacher received Wobble Cushions for student seating!!!
Thanks for Helping our Unique Students Develop!
Do you wonder what teachers do during District Inservice Days? Today our teachers are engaged in collaboration, professional learning, and grade-level planning for our first APTT.
Hulet will host our first parent night out on October 6th. Third and fifth grade will meet at 4:30 and second and fourth grade will begin promptly at 5:45.
At Hulet, we use a program called EnVision Math to supplement our math work. Here, Ms. Paz is teaching students how to divide 4-digit math problems by one-digit divisors.
In order to work through these complex tasks, our students begin this work in kindergarten, which EnVision helps us align.
Your students, regardless of their grade, will be taught a variety of strategies to solve math problems rooted in place value with the help of EnVision math!
Please visit the Hulet School Book Fair before or after your child's scheduled parent teacher conference. See the flier for times the Book Fair is open. Thank you in advance for your support.
Individual Parent Teacher Conferences coming in September. See the attached flier for dates and times. Please watch for notes from your child's teacher to schedule a conference time.
Greetings Roadrunners!
Fall sports are underway! We are excited to see our Roadrunner athletes in action! As we begin our sports season it is important to be reminded of the Roadrunner Pride that we display as Roadrunner fans! Please practice Roadrunner sportsmanship, please ensure your children are under your supervision when attending events and cheer loud for all Roadrunners!
Holbrook vs Ganado- 7 pm at Roadrunner Stadium on Thursday, August 25th!
Good luck to all our student-athletes and thank you for being great Roadrunner fans! Don't forget to pick up your season pass for all sports this year!
As a reminder, picture day is tomorrow, August 25th! All students will be photographed and proofs will be sent at a later date!
Save the Date! Book Fair is coming to Hulet Elementary! See attached picture for dates. Times to be announced.
HULET CHROMEBOOK CHECKOUT will begin tomorrow, August 19th. If you signed up for a Chromebook at registration, these Chromebooks will be distributed before the end of the day tomorrow.
The Chromebook will then be your students to use for school work until the end of the year.
If you would rather pick up your child's Chromebook, please call the office to arrange pick up.