Greetings Parents and Guardians,
I am messaging you this evening to inform you that tomorrow Thursday, January 13, will be a virtual learning day at Indian Wells Elementary School. This is simply a precautionary measure due to a small uptick in illness at IWES over the last couple of days amongst students and staff. We have not identified any specific outbreaks; however, we feel we can utilize a virtual learning day on Thursday which will allow Thursday through Monday (no school Monday) to isolate from one another and regain our health prior to reuniting next Tuesday, January 18th.
Students will be required to complete classwork on Thursday that teachers will assign and teachers will be calling home for attendance. Please note: assignments will be due on Tuesday, January 18th when we return to in-person schooling. This is a requirement of our approved Instructional time model. If the teacher cannot contact your student or your child does not return the assignment for Thursday, they will be marked absent for the day of January 13th.
These short breaks may occur occasionally so we can maintain a safe, healthy, and educational environment at school. We appreciate your support and cooperation to Help our Unique Students Develop! Stay well, stay healthy and enjoy the three-day weekend!
Reminder, no school on Monday!
See everyone Tuesday! Yours in Education,
Ms. Tomlin- Principal IWES